Theoretically retrofitting a scrubber installation onboard of the vessel type Sole 10.000
J.P. Boelens (Student); Arie de Groot (Begeleider); Flip Wubben (Begeleider)
Improving cost effectivity of a purifier installation
D. Vermorken (Student); Flip Wubben (Begeleider); Arie de Groot (Begeleider)
Lars Veenendaal (Student); Arno Kamphuis (Begeleider)
Wel of geen courgettemerk?
Danny Sulkers (Student)
Health services research of integrative oncology in palliative care of patients with advanced pancreatic cancer
Jan Axtner (Onderzoeker); Megan L. Steele (Onderzoeker); Matthias Kröz (Onderzoeker); Günther Spahn (Onderzoeker); Harald Matthes (Onderzoeker); Friedemann Schad (Onderzoeker)
Influence of water ageing and UV exposure on properties of epoxy biocomposites
Hugo Mermet (Student); Katrin Tazelaar (Begeleider); B.S. Wildeboer (Begeleider)
Hydraulic failure of the dike around the mud volcano Lumpur Lapindo
H.L. Richards (Student); Albert Repko (Begeleider); T. Wilms (Begeleider)
Study Choice and Career Development in STEM fields
Tuijl, C. (Cathy) van (Lector); Walma van der Molen, J.H. (Juliette) (Researcher)
German Vacancy Market: An Entry Analysis
Tip Atkins (Docent); Jurjen Hartveld (Student)
Strategic competences for concrete action towards sustainability: : An oxymoron?
K.F. (Karel Mulder (Lector)