Energietransitie op bedrijventerreinen
Yoricq Holt (Student)
Automatisch .NET 6 API’s deployen op een veilige en consistente manier
Danny Cao (Student); Philippine Waisvisz (Begeleider)
Implementing a Personalized Integrated Stepped-Care Method (STIP-Method) to prevent and treat neuropsychiatric symptoms in persons with dementia in nursing homes: protocol for a mixed methods study
H.W.M.F. Verstraeten-de Keuninck; C. Ziylan; D.L. Gerritsen; R. Huijsman; M. Nakanishi; M. Smalbrugge; J.T. van der Steen; S.U. Zuidema; W.P. Achterberg; A.J.E.M. Bakker
Learning from prototypes: from the design studio to the city
T.J. Jaskiewicz
LHBTI+ Veilig op school
Joyce Aleven (Student)
Families in vulnerable circumstances
H.W. Torij
Simulating industrial symbiosis
Lange, Kasper Pieter Hendrik (City Net Zero); Herder, Paulien; Korevaar, Gijsbert; Oskam, Inge
Innovating digitally
Helmer, Judith; Thuong Huynh, Thien-Minh; Rossano-Rivero, Sue; Lobacz, Katarzyna; Kör, Burcu (Amsib (Cedis)); Wakkee, Ingrid
Hans Brombacher; Steven Houben; Steven Vos
De keuze is reuze.
Sam Witte (Student)