Structures in Building Culture II
Machiel Spaan; Urs Meister; Carmen Rist; Finn Hakonsen; Ivo Vrouwe
The overlooked knowledge: exploring knowledge circulation in the scaling up of Local Innovation: the case of beehive construction and queen replacement in Enebsie District, Ethiopia
Getnet, A. (Student); Moore, I. de; Bernard
Passive movement therapy in patients with moderate to severe paratonia; study protocol of a randomised clinical trial (ISRCTN43069940)
Hobbelen, Johannes S M (Ageing And Allied Health Care); Verhey, Frans R J; Bor, Jacobus H J; de Bie, Rob A; Koopmans, Raymond T C M
Evidence-Based Physiotherapy for Assessment and Treatment of the Patient with Piriformis Syndrome : a Literature Review, Diagnosis and Treatment protocol.
Marit Vestgård (Student); Annelies Simons (Begeleider); Eddy Salters (Begeleider); Frithjof Løvik (Student); Hanne Ørmen (Student); Renate Lien (Student)
Competentiegerichtheid en scheikunde leren: over metacognitieve opvattingen, leerresultaten en leeractiviteiten
Dr. Rutger A.W. van de Sande (Lector)
Meetinstrumenten COPD; wat doet Ú ermee?
Ken van Daal (Student); Rob Peters (Student); Linda van Beekvelt (Student); Alja Bosch (Begeleider); Tom van de Kerkhof (Student); Marjolijn Poppema (Begeleider)
De CVA zit-, sta- en loopgroep eindelijk up-to-date!
Eefke Bongers (Student); Mieke Hillen (Student); Annelies Simons (Begeleider); Joanna MacLeod (Student); Irene Nijssen (Student); Eddy Salters (Begeleider)
Positive expiratory pressure physiotherapy for airway clearance in people with cystic fibrosis
Elkins, M R; Jones, A; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing)
Effects of exercise Therapy for Conservative Shoulder treatment Programme based on Shoulder instability and/or Rotator Cuff injuries in athletes Performing Overhead Sport Activities
V.L. Grave (Student); J. Matthuijs (Begeleider); P. Burken (Begeleider); A. Henrksen (Student); A.M. Nilsen (Student); S. Solnordal (Student); M.E. Mjoen (Student)
-Van eis tot inrichting : eisen gesteld aan een oefenzaal voor de hedendaagse fysiotherapiepraktijk
Ingrid Peters (Student); Sven Bouwmans (Student); Annelies Simons (Begeleider); Ineke Smits (Begeleider); Patricia van Lieshout (Student)