The role of primary healthcare in the management of work-related DED in the Netherlands
Mirjam van Tilborg (Lid Lectoraat); Paul Murphy (Begeleider); Katharine Evans (Begeleider); Chris Purslow (Begeleider); Helianthe Kort (Begeleider)
Measurement of speech parameters in casual speech of dementia patients
Roelant Ossewaarde (Lid Lectoraat); Roel Jonkers; Fedor Jalvingh; Roelien Bastiaanse
Participation, Care and Support
Jean-Pierre Wilken (Lector)
Ailo: Reframing Space to Promote Connection and Flexibility within KLM
Orr, Mackenzie; Joyce, Jim; Klooster, Suzanne; Shibata, Kazuhide; Escobar Vega, F.; Langer, Sebastian
Strategisch Marketingplan
Claudia Postma (Student)
Website tevredenheid
Rick de Jong (Student)
Winners in the age of smart machines
Peters, SJ (Sjoerd) (Student)
Guiding the Visually Impaired through the Environment with Beacons
van der Bie, Joey (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Visser, Britte; Matsari, Jordy; Singh, Mijnisha; van Hasselt, Timon; Koopman, Jan; Kröse, Ben
Teacher educators pathways to becoming research active
A. Swennen; Dr. M.W.G. Theunissen (Lector); P. Lorist
Deaf leaders’ strategies for working with signed language interpreters
Tobias Haug; Karen Bontempo; Lorraine Leeson; Jemina Melinda Napier; Brenda Nicodemus; Beppie van den Bogaerde (Lector); Myriam Vermeerbergen