Integrating SDG 12 into Business Studies through Intercultural Virtual Collaboration
Luana Ferreira-Lopes; Ingrid Van Rompay-Bartels; Maria José Bezanilla; Iciar Elexpuru-Albizuri
Which types of instruction in writing-to- learn lead to insight and topic knowledge in different disciplines? A review of empirical studies
A.C. van Dijk; A.J.S. van Gelderen; F. Kuiken
How to Reduce Mental Health Concerns Among Students in the Post-COVID-19 Universities – An Empirical Analysis of HAN International School of Business
Amir Moradi; Vanessa Gerlach; Nicole Osentoski
Stakeholder communications
Lisa Jung (Student); Johan Weggemans (Docent); Sandra Bumbar-Malchow (Begeleider)
The intended synergy between research and education within Dutch universities of applied sciences
Daas, S.R.; Griffioen, D.M.E.
Printing with natural dyes created from local Rwandan products
Heijs, FJ (Frederique) (Student)
Interactive 2D Installation
Minkova, VM (Viktoria) (Student)
Developing Educational Escape Rooms for Experiential Entrepreneurship Education
Martina, Richard A.; Göksen, Sultan (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo))
An analysis of the technology acceptance model in understanding university students' behavioral intention to use metaverse technologies
Nikos Misirlis; Harris Bin Munawar
Secad's journey to the Digital world
Gianluca Gentile (Student); Vanessa Yazbek (Docent); Andrea Serdi (Begeleider)