Social and environmental issues in four Ethiopian cut rose producing companies
Mebrat, S. (Student); Leyequién Abarca, E.
The role of social environment in acquiring agency in Girls Work
Boomkens, Cynthia; Metz, Judith W.; Schalk, René M.J.D.; Van Regenmortel, Tine M.R.F.
Sociaal werk in stadswijken waar problemen zich opstapelen
Welschen, Saskia (Lectoraat Stedelijk Sociaal Werk); Veldboer, Lex (Lectoraat Stedelijk Sociaal Werk)
Human rights at the heart of the social work curriculum
Reynaert, Didier; Dijkstra, Peter; Knevel, Jeroen; Hartman, Jeannette; Tirions, Michel; Geraghty, Clodagh; Gradener, Jeroen; Lochtenberg, Michiel (Faculteit Maatschappij En Recht (Fmr)); van den Hoven, Rudy
Exploring a 1-Minute Paced Deep-Breathing Measurement of Heart Rate Variability as Part of a Workers’ Health Assessment
Six Dijkstra, M. (Marianne) (Researcher); Soer, R. (Remko) (Associatelector); Bieleman, A. (André) (Associatelector); McCraty, R. (Rollin) (Researcher); Oosterveld, F. (Frits) (Lector); Gross, D. (Douglas) (Researcher); Reneman, M. (Michiel) (Researcher)
Transcending Responsibility. Developing a new interdisciplinary educational program
van den Hooff, Susanne
Addiction care in the Netherlands: background, best practices and opportunities for social workers
Blaauw, Eric
Effects, costs and feasibility of the ‘Stay Active at Home’ Reablement training programme for home care professionals:
Silke Metzelthin; Teuni H. Rooijackers; G.A. Zijlstra; Erik van Rossum (Lector); Marja Veenstra; Annemarie Koster; Silvia M. M. A. Evers; Gerard J. P. van Breukelen; Gertrudis I.J.M. Kempen
The balance between safety and productivity and its relationship with human factors and safety awareness and communication in aircraft manufacturing
Karanikas, Nektarios; Melis, Damien Jose; Kourousis, Kyriakos