Antecedents of Individual Innovative Behavior in the Digital Era
Kör, Burcu (Amsib (Cedis)); Fernandez, Daniel Rodriguez; Acarturk, Elfın
Female executives and corporate governance
Ana Pandurevic (Student); Vanessa Yazbek (Docent); Hélène Kolmodin (Begeleider)
Nominated for the HZ Stern 2022Stability of a tidal marsh under very high flow velocities and implications for nature-based flood defense
Schoutens, K.; Stoorvogel, M.; Berg, M. van den; Hoven, K. van den; Bouma, T.J.; Aarninkhof, S.; Herman, P.M.J.; Loon-Steensma, J.M. van (Lector); Meire, P.; Schoelynck, J.; Peeters, P.; Temmerman, S.
The intended synergy between research and education within Dutch universities of applied sciences
Daas, S.R.; Griffioen, D.M.E.
Developing a Smoking Cessation Intervention for People With Severe Mental Illness Treated by Flexible Assertive Community Treatment Teams in the Netherlands
Müge H. Küçükaksu; Trynke Hoekstra; Lola Jansen; Jentien Vermeulen; Marcel C. Adriaanse; Berno van Meijel (Lector)
Towards effective dietary counseling:
Barkmeijer, Alyanne (Malnutrition And Healthy Ageing)
Translating Promoting Factors and Behavior Change Principles Into a Blended and Technology-Supported Intervention to Stimulate Physical Activity in Children With Asthma (Foxfit): Design Study
Brons, Annette; Braam, Katja; Broekema, Aline (Lectoraat Oefentherapie); Timmerman, Annieck; Millenaar, Karel; Engelbert, Raoul (Lectoraat Fysiotherapie - Transitie Van Zorg Bij Complexe Patiënten); Kröse, Ben (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Visser, Bart (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality)
The responsibilization of entrepreneurs in legalized local prostitution in the Netherlands
van Wijk, Eelco (Lectoraat Management Van Cultuurverandering); Mascini, Peter
Social media marketing to increase sales
Kim Zwemer (Student); Johan Weggemans (Docent); Etienne Veldhuis (Docent); Sofia Renner (Begeleider)
Challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic and design responses in public space: Towards strategies for resilient post-Covid cities
Gualtieri, G.; Boon, B.; Suurenbroek, F. (Lectoraat Bouwtransformatie); de Waal, M. (Lectoraat Civic Interaction Design); Andaloro, B.; Schramkó, S. (Lectoraat Bouwtransformatie); Gospodini, Aspa