Impact of business rule Management on enterprise architecture
M.C.A. van Steenbergen; Koen Smit; Martijn Zoet (Lector)
Co-design and use of open online materials for mathematics and science didactics courses in teacher education
Theo van den Bogaart (Onderzoeker); Paul Drijvers (Lector); Jos Tolboom (Onderzoeker)
Future probing
Caroline Maessen (Lid Lectoraat); Kristina Lauche (Onderzoeker); Remko van der Lugt (Lector)
Ageism in healthcare: a limiting factor in the use of technology ?
Anne Johanna van Tintelen (Student); Ivo Balk (Begeleider)
A Social Credits Platform for Volunteers
Jeske Nederstigt (Onderzoeker); Jente Koetje (Student); Janienke Sturm (Lector)
Physical sensemaking
Kanis, Marije (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci))
Hellings, Jan; Leek, Pieter; Bredeweg, Bert; Scheffel, Maren; Broisin, Julien; Pammer-Schindler, Viktoria; Ioannou, Andri; Schneider, Jan
Empowered by Innovation: Unravelling Determinants of Idea Implementation in Open Innovation Platforms
Situmeang, Frederik (Faculteit Business En Economie (Fbe)); Loke, Rob (Faculteit Business En Economie (Fbe)); de Boer, Nelleke; de Boer, Danielle; Hammoudi, Slimane; Quix, Christoph; Bernardino, Jorge
Introduction—The Hacker, the City and Their Institutions: From Grassroots Urbanism to Systemic Change
de Waal, Martijn (Lectoraat Civic Interaction Design); de Lange, Michiel; de Lange, Michiel; de Waal, Martijn
The Critical Makers Reader
Bogers, Loes; Chiappini, Letizia