Nokia's reputation and the SOMO Report
Z. Kahar (Begeleider); Annemarie de Weijer (Student)
Strengthening rural agricultural training program through participation and training needs assessment : ‘The case of National Directorate of Employment (NDE) Trainees in Karsana Bwari Area Council Abuja Nigeria’
Oruoyehu, B.O. (Student); Scheffers, S.
Dutch health and social care : international labour mobility
Albert Riga (Lid Lectoraat)
The European Union and the Food and Agriculture Organisation
Antje Grebner (Begeleider); E.L.M. van Driesum-Cantarelli (Begeleider); Myrthe van Groningen (Student)
Good Quality Employment: the Essence of Recognition
Prof. Dr. J.P. van Ewijk (Lector)
CIMIC in the early phases of the KFOR mission in Kosovo
A.J.H. van Loon