Social Workers as Local Human Rights Actors?
Alicia Dibbets; Quirine Eijkman (Lector); Majda Lamkaddem (Onderzoeker); Dorien Claessen (Phd)
The Design and Development of a Personalized Leisure Time Physical Activity Application Based on Behavior Change Theories, End-User Perceptions, and Principles From Empirical Data Mining
Sporrel, Karlijn; De Boer, Rémi D. D.; Wang, Shihan; Nibbeling, Nicky (Faculteit Bewegen, Sport En Voeding); Simons, Monique; Deutekom, Marije; Ettema, Dick; C. Castro, Paula; Zuniga Dourado, Victor; Kröse, Ben
Imagery rehearsal based art therapy
Suzanne Haeyen (Lid Lectoraat); Merel Staal
Three entrepreneurs seeking financing!
Albert Coumans (Onderzoeker); Julie-Marthe Lehman (Lid Lectoraat); N. (Klaas) Molenaar (Onderzoeker)
Modeling Facebook users' behavior towards the use of pages related to healthy diet and sport activities
Nikos Misirlis; Marjon Elshof; Maro Vlachopoulou
Usability and preliminary effectiveness of a preoperative mHealth app for people undergoing major surgery
van der Velde, Miriam; Valkenet, Karin; Geleijn, Edwin; Kruisselbrink, Marjoke; Marsman, Marije; Janssen, Liedewij M.J.; Ruurda, Jelle P.; van der Peet, Donald L.; Aarden, Jesse J. (Faculteit Gezondheid); Veenhof, Cindy; van der Leeden, Marike
Female executives in the dutch lodging industry: an ethical perspective
Diane Lereculey-Péran (Student); Peter Vriend (Begeleider)
Intelligent Access Policy ensuring the right vehicle on the right road at the right time
Karel Kural; E. van Kempen; B. Kraaijenhagen; T. Asp; L. Aarts; S. Wandel
Balancing the social and financial sides of the coin
Julie-Marthe Lehman (Lid Lectoraat)
An effective Ocean Bottle’s web design to engage European millennials
Lysaifeni Wout (Student); Agota Szabo (Begeleider)