Zocht je misschien: aard?
NuProTex nutritious protein textures
van Haren, R.J.F.; Starmann, Irmgard; Knoch, Achim
ACL Research Retreat VII
Benjaminse, Anne; Welling, Wouter; Gokeler, Alli; Otten, Bert; Diercks, Ron; Lemmink, Koen
Leadership and empathy
Smilde, Rineke
Light therapy in smart healthcare facilities for older adults: an overview
Joost van Hoof (Onderzoeker); Mariëlle Aarts; Adriana C. Westerlaken; Björn Schräder; Eveline J.M. Wouters (Lector); Harold T.G. Weffers; Myriam B.C. Aries
Equine assisted coaching from the horses’ point of view
Hollenhorst, H. (Student); Wagenknecht, R. (Student); Dobbelaar, M.C.A.; Buijsert, A.
Impact of Vagal Nerve Stimulation on Objective Vocal Quality: a Pilot Study.
E. D'haeseleer; M. Krystopava; S. Gadeyne; K. van Lierde; Anke Luyten (Docent); L. Bruneel; G. van Maele; N. Piens; K. Vonck; B. Boehme
Professional development of teacher educators through informal learning
drs Marina Bouckaert-den Draak (Lid Lectoraat); dr Rita Schildwacht (Lid Lectoraat); drs Maurice Schols (Lid Lectoraat); dr Quinta Kools (Lector); MEd Marly Gootzen (Lid Lectoraat)
Aligning corporate real estate with the corporate strategies of higher education institutions
Theo van der Voordt; Geert Dewulf; Ronald Beckers
MillenniumDoen! and global citizenship
S. (Saskia) Rademaker (Lid Lectoraat)
Awareness of the threats of phishing amongst SMEs in The Netherlands
W.M.J. van Leeuwen (Begeleider); Nicolette E. Groenewold (Student)