Methodeontwikkeling voor bepalen van vrije anhydride monomeren in harsen met LC-Q-TOF-MS
Cosette de Vries (Student)
Metsens’ nieuwe visie op de toekomst
Thomas Vos (Student)
Prevalence of reported physical health problems in people with severe or profound intellectual and motor disabilities
van Timmeren, Dinette; van der Putten, A. A. J.; van Schrojenstein Lantman-de Valk, H. M. J.; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Waninge, A. (Participation And Health Of Persons With Intellectual And Visual Disabilities)
CTA´s Engine testing lab
Dam, Jacques
Optimizing performance on current hardware
Roel Veldhuizen (Begeleider); Berend Wilkens (Begeleider); Sebastiaan Vendrik (Student)
Ignorance is bliss
Joseph Timothy Foley; Erik Puik (Lector); Darek Ceglarek
Risk management in chaordic projects
M.A. Wildschut MSc MPM (Student)
One of the keys to success
Juwan Simson (Student)
On design and deployment of two privacy-preserving procedures for judicial-data dissemination
M.S. Bargh (Lector); R. Choenni (Lector); R.F. Meijer
Alien Species in the Arctic Ocean
L.J.J. Hahn (Student); B.J. Kater (Begeleider); P.N.C. Vader (Begeleider); Anne Oele (Begeleider)