The power to change
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Lid Lectoraat)
Understanding the urgency and complexities of the energy transition trough serious gaming
Ouariachi Peralta, Tania (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society); Elving, Wim (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society); Orngreen, Rikke; Buhl, Mie; Meyer, Bente
Breedband IPv6 transitie
Kemper, J (Jasper) (Student)
Practitioner's Corner: Episode 2
van den Bogaart, Desiree (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo))
Andere ouders als bron van steun
Remmelink, Linde E.; Leijten, Patty; Veldboer, Lex (Lectoraat Stedelijk Sociaal Werk)
Employability and innovative work behaviours in SMEs in a Euroregion
Jol Stoffers (Lector); Karolien Hendrikx; Omar Habets (Lid Lectoraat); Beatrice van der Heijden
Promoting sustainable wines towards Berlin retailers
Paboeuf, P. (Student); Uenk-Barten, C.
Dietary protein, exercise, and frailty domains
Schoufour, Josje D. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Overdevest, Elvera; Weijs, Peter J.M.; Tieland, Michael
Honeydew composition and its effect on life-history parameters of hyperparasitoids
Neerbos, F.A.C. van; Boer, J.G. de (Lector); Salis, L.; Tollenaar, W.; Kos, M.; Vet, L.E.M.; Harvey, J.A.