Sexual abuse and exploitation in UN peacekeeping operations
Cecilia Passaniti (Student); M. (Mihaela) Anghel
Understanding behavioral mechanisms for physical activity in head and neck cancer patients
Sealy, M. J.; Stuiver, M.M. (Faculteit Gezondheid); Midtgaard, J.; van der Schans, C. P.; Roodenburg, J. L.; Jager-Wittenaar, H.
The application of validating and dialectical coaching strategies in a personalised virtual coach for obese emotional eaters
Dol, Aranka (New Business & Ict); Bode, Christina; Velthuijsen, Hugo (New Business & Ict); van Strien, Tatjan; van Gemert, Lisette
Testing three fundamental steering mechanisms for organising optimal social performance of the social housing sector in the Netherlands, from the perspective of Dutch key decision makers in social hou
Kropmans, C.F (Carine) (Student)
Organising smart city projects
van Winden, Willem (Lectoraat Urban Economic Innovation); Oskam, Inge (Kenniscentrum Techniek); van den Buuse, Daniel (Lectoraat Urban Economic Innovation); Schrama, Wieke; van Dijck, Egbert-Jan
Integral design method for energy efficient restoration
Vieveen, Maarten; van der Schoor, Tineke
Comparison of Private Incentive Mechanisms for Improving Sustainability of Filipino Tuna Fisheries
Frazen Zondervan; Paul Berentsen; Simon Bush; Joseph Idemne; Ricardo Babaran; Alfons Oude Lansink
Hydraulic failure of the dike around the mud volcano Lumpur Lapindo
H.L. Richards (Student); Albert Repko (Begeleider); T. Wilms (Begeleider)
Quorum sensing
Erik-Jan Baalen, van (Begeleider); Wouter Lenferink (Student); Teresa Pedro Gomes (Begeleider)
Unravelling the potential mechanisms behind hospitalization-associated disability in older patients
Reichardt, Lucienne A.; Aarden, Jesse J. (Kenniscentrum Achieve); van Seben, Rosanne; van der Schaaf, Marike; Engelbert, Raoul H.H.; Bosch, Jos A.; Buurman, Bianca M.