Design specifications for a social robot math tutor
Mike Ligthart (Onderzoeker); Simone de Droog (Onderzoeker); Marianne Bossema (Onderzoeker); Lamia Elloumi (Onderzoeker); Kees Hoogland (Lector); Matthijs Smakman (Onderzoeker); Koen Hindriks (Onderzoeker); Somaya Ben Allouch (Onderzoeker)
What are the needs of frail older patients in the emergency department? A qualitative study
Dorien Venema (Onderzoeker); Sigrid C.J.M. Vervoort (Onderzoeker); Janneke M. de Man-van Ginkel (Onderzoeker); Nienke Bleijenberg (Lector); Lisette Schoonhoven (Onderzoeker); Wietske H.W. Ham (Onderzoeker)
Effect of postural threat on motor control in people with and without low back pain
Meta H. Wildenbeest (Onderzoeker); Henri Kiers (Onderzoeker); Matthijs Tuijt (Onderzoeker); Jaap H. van Dieën (Onderzoeker)
Accounting for Sexual Issues Related to Cancer
Irene Kelder (Onderzoeker); Petra Sneijder (Onderzoeker); Annette Klarenbeek (Lector); Tessa Roseboom (Onderzoeker); Ellen Laan (Onderzoeker)
A study protocol for the validation of a prognostic model with an emphasis on modifiable factors to predict chronic pain after a new episode of acute- or subacute nonspecific idiopathic, non-traumatic neck pain presenting in primary care
Martine J. Verwoerd (Onderzoeker); Harriët Wittink (Lector); François Maissan (Onderzoeker); Sander M.J. van Kuijk (Onderzoeker); Rob J.E.M. Smeets (Onderzoeker)
Qualitative research with Children and Adolescents
Schino, Gemma; Spruijt, Rosanne (Youth, Education And Society)
Social inclusion through sport? Pedagogical perspectives of Dutch youth sport coaches
Riffi Acharki, E. (Emran); Spaaij, R. (Ramón); Nieuwelink, H. (Hessel) (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding)
Telerehabilitation Delivery in Canada and the Netherlands: Results of a Survey Study
Giesbrecht, Edward; Major, Mel E (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Fricke, Moni; Wener, Pamela; van Egmond, Maarten (Lectoraat Fysiotherapie - Transitie Van Zorg Bij Complexe Patiënten); Aarden, Jesse J (Faculteit Gezondheid); Brown, Cara L; Pol, Margriet (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); van der Schaaf, Marike (Lectoraat Revalidatie In De Acute Zorg)
The relationships between children's motor competence, physical activity, perceived motor competence, physical fitness and weight status in relation to age
den Uil, Anne R. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Janssen, Mirka (Lectoraat Bewegen In En Om School); Busch, Vincent; Kat, Ilse T. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Scholte, Ron H. J.
Course of recovery of respiratory muscle strength and its associations with exercise capacity and handgrip strength: A prospective cohort study among survivors of critical illness
Major, Mel (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); van Egmond, Maarten (Lectoraat Fysiotherapie - Transitie Van Zorg Bij Complexe Patiënten); Dettling-Ihnenfeldt, Daniela; Ramaekers, Stephan (Lectoraat Fysiotherapie - Transitie Van Zorg Bij Complexe Patiënten); Engelbert, Raoul (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); van der Schaaf, Marike (Lectoraat Revalidatie In De Acute Zorg)