Low cost mobile swim trainer
Sven Rademakers (Student); Roel Blomjous (Student); Cees van Tilborg (Begeleider)
How the impact of HR practices on employee well-being and performance changes with age
Terry Knight; Josje Dikkers (Lid Lectoraat); Mike Clinton; David Guest; Dorien Kooij; Paul Jansen
the effect of sitting postures on the motor performance of the trunk.
Jaap Jansen (Begeleider); Theresa Ebert (Student)
Teacher Feedback during Active Learning
Linda van den Bergh (Docent)
Alles is leren
Petra Peeters; Marlo Kengen
Effect Evaluation of a Self-Management Program for Dutch Workers with a Chronic Somatic Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Sarah Detaille; Yvonne Heerkens; Josephine Engels; J. van der Gulden; F. van Dijk
professional development through informal learning'
dr.ir. Quinta Kools (Lector)
A Technology Learning Preferences Instrument to Design and Develop Teacher Educators' Professional Development Programs at the Workplace
Maurice Schols (Docent)
The Media Battle : a Creative Pressure-Cooker for Connecting to the Professional Field
Caroline Maessen; Rogier Brussee (Lid Lectoraat); Karen Hilhorst
Physician assistant education in Germany
Kuilman, Luppo; Matthews, Craig; Dierks, Marianne