Current Challenges of Digital Health Interventions in Pakistan: Mixed Methods Analysis
Abdul Momin Kazi (Onderzoeker); Saad Ahmed Qazi (Onderzoeker); Nazia Ahsan (Onderzoeker); Sadori Khawaja (Onderzoeker); Fareeha Sameen (Onderzoeker); Muhammad Saqib (Onderzoeker); Muhammad Ayub Khan Mughal (Onderzoeker); Z. Wajidali (Onderzoeker); Sikander Ali (Onderzoeker); Rao Moueed Ahmed (Onderzoeker); H. Kalimuddin (Onderzoeker); Yasir Rauf (Onderzoeker); F. Mahmood (Onderzoeker); S. Zafar (Onderzoeker); T.A. Abbasi (Onderzoeker); K. Khoumbati (Onderzoeker); Munir Abbasi (Onderzoeker); L. (Lampros) Stergioulas (Lector)
CESI Accelerator
Maren Flunkert (Student); Jonneke F.M. de Koning
Persuasive eHealth to support home rehabilitation of the elderly after a hip operation
Laurence Alpay (Associate Lector); Ybranda Koster (Lid Lectoraat)
Environmental design for an ageing population
Joost van Hoof (Lector); Peter Boerenfijn; D.M. (Deirdre) Beneken genaamd Kolmer (Lector); Hannah R. Marston; Jan K. Kazak; H. (Hilde) Verbeek
Feasibility of the PalliSupport care pathway
Flierman, Isabelle; Van Rijn, Marjon (Lectoraat Geïntegreerde Complexe Zorg); de Meij, Marike; Poels, Marjolein; Niezink, Dorende M.; Willems, Dick L.; Buurman, Bianca M.
Towards Energy Citizenship for a Just and Inclusive Transition: Lessons Learned on Collaborative Approach of Positive Energy Districts from the EU Horizon2020 Smart Cities and Communities Projects
Olivadese, Rosamaria; Alpagut, Beril; Pineda Revilla, Beatriz; Brouwer, Jeroen; Georgiadou, Vasiliki; Woestenburg, Alexander; van Wees, Mark
Governance models for sustainable urban construction logistics: barriers for collaboration
Morel, Marie (Lectoraat Coördinatie Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken); Balm, Susanne (City Net Zero); Berden, Michael (Faculteit Techniek (Ft)); Ploos van Amstel, Walther (City Net Zero)
Preventing frailty in older people
Paola Obbia; Clair Graham; Raymond Duffy; R.J.J. Gobbens (Lector)
Challenges of combining work and unpaid care, and solutions
Alice Spann; Joana Vicente; Camille Allard; Mark Hawley; Marieke Spreeuwenberg (Lid Lectoraat); Luc de Witte
Implementing experience sampling technology for functional analysis in family medicine
Naomie Daniëls; Laura Hochstenbach (Lid Lectoraat); Marloes Amantia van Bokhoven; Sandra Beurskens (Lector); Philippe Delespaul