Collaborating with competitors to advance sustainability
DiVito, Lori (Amsib (Cedis)); Sharma, Garima
Ecosystem services for sustainable development in La Prosperité, Suriname
Leal, K. (Student); Meer, P.J. van der; Vletter, J. de
Learning together
Stolte, Tine
Developing a viable business model for community owned solar farms in the Netherlands
D’Souza, Austin (Energy Transition); Velthuijsen, Hugo (New Business & Ict); Wortmann, J.C.; Huitema, George. B.
Transition skills
Bernardt, Clemens; van Spijk, Alex; van Assen, Sandra
ons of life's most precious gifts
Msc Marieke van Asten (Lid Lectoraat)
parents' role in enabling the participation of their child with a physical disability
Barbara Piskur (Docent)
HANNN themabijeenkomst "Goud Gezonde Jeugd"
Doornenbal, Jeannette
Learning together
Stolte, Tine