From road planning to route design. Spatial quality as a cement in highway development
ir. Bart de Zwart (Lid Lectoraat)
Fair & Green Deal Ruud Thelosen (Docent)
Het nieuwe 'silent landscape' en de opleving van de Noordelijke romantische traditie
Simone Rijs; Christianne Niesten; Guido de Poorter (Student)
Winnaar ABV Scriptieprijs 2009Providing Worldwide Cluttering Education: Accomplishments of the International Cluttering Association (ICA)
Rhein; Drs. David Ward; prof. dr. St. Louis; dr. Miglena Simonska; M Sc Yvonne van Zaalen-op't Hof (Docent); dr. Bakker; prof. dr. Filatova; prof. dr. Myers; Kissagizlis; dr. Isabel Reichel; Kathleen Scaler Scott (Lid Lectoraat); Kuster; dr. Lanouette; Ellen Bennett Lanouette; Adams
Randomised controlled trial of the effects of two rigid gas permeable (RGP) contact lens materials and two surface cleaners on straylight values
Marten Fortuin; John Schilperoort; Bruce Evans; David Edgar; Tom van den Berg; Henri Kiers
Jezus de Jood een messias?
A.J. Jonker (Begeleider); Marian den Reijer (Student)
Kaderdocument Ervaringsdeskundigheid
Drs. David Hidajattoellah; Drs. Jean Knooren; Dr. Harrie van Haaster (Lid Lectoraat); Jean-Pierre Wilken
Expertise development in the college classroom: new insights
M. Boekaerts; J.S. Rozendaal
Sportopvang @ David Lloyd
Marlies van Wezel (Begeleider); Wout van Sambeek (Student); Yvette Smit (Begeleider)
Pain response of healthy workers following a functional capacity evaluation and implications for clinical interpretation
Soer, Remko; Groothoff, Johan W; Geertzen, Jan H B; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Reesink, David D; Reneman, Michiel F