So you think you can teach, eh?
Louise Corvers-Godding (Begeleider); Petra Theeuwen (Student)
DOT O&O: developing research and design skills in the classroom (Dutch secondary education)
Manon Mostert-van-der Sar (Onderzoeker); Peter Troxler (Lector); Edgar de Wit
Dynamics of cluster development
Manickam, Anu (International Business)
Cluster development
Manickam, Anu (International Business)
The impact of the organizational transfer climate on the use of teacher leadership competences developed in a post-initial Master’s program
Snoek, Marco (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding); Volman, Monique
"Voel jij wat ik voel?"
Thea Tiemersma (Begeleider); Monique Engelage (Student); Sandra Verbeetn (Begeleider); Sarah Verheijen (Student)
Promoting science and technology in primary education
Rens Gresnigt; Ruurd Taconis; Hanno van Keulen (Lector); Koeno Gravemeijer; Liesbeth Baartman
Verschil benutten in het hoger onderwijs: een integrale, interactieve en iteratieve benadering van organisatieontwikkeling
Sjiera de Vries; Gürkan Çelik (Lector); Menno Vos
TVET Planning and Development
Jeroen Onstenk (Lector)
Encouraging Canadian Adolescents to Go on Exchange with AFS Interculture Canada
Carolina Wood (Begeleider); Julia Salven (Student)