Reframing Urban Tourism
Ko Koens (Lector)
Dans met mij
Jelina Leenders (Student); Harmen Jan Terwel (Begeleider)
Data communiceren is begrip creëren
Veld, RAM (Romee) In 't (Student)
The Borculo Storm Project
Kemper, A (Anna) (Student)
Finding usability of real-time CGI production
Vorstenbosch, S (Bas) (Student)
Cross-Platform Multi-User Interaction Tools in Unreal Engine
Constantinescu, MA (Mihai) (Student)
How can the open-world environments produced by Tag of Joy for museum applications be optimized to maximize their efficiency on low-end devices?
Jatužis, L (Laurynas) (Student)
Report afstudeeronderzoek
Visscher, M (Michelle) (Student)
Virtual Reality Simulation LUMC
Boros, MB (Malina) (Student)
Interactie bij livestreamvoorstellingen
Looijen, B (Bianca) (Student)