Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy of Plasma Products
M. Vloemans (Begeleider); L. Arntzen (Begeleider); Niels Favier (Student)
The perspective of forest regeneration with new wildlife migration possibilities : a research performed in “Het Nationale Park De Hoge Veluwe” on the effects on forest regeneration when free migration of ungulates is possible after putting two wildlife crossings into use
Kuipers, B. (Student); Wanrooij, F. van (Student); Breeje, L. den (Student); onbekend
Invasieve exoten : afstudeeronderzoek naar de invasieve exoten duizendknoop (Fallopia spec.), reuzenbalsemien (Impatiens glandulifera) en de reuzenberenklauw (Heracleum mantegazzianum) in de gemeente Arnhem (Gelderland, Nederland)
Brouwer, N.L. (Student); Gooijer, T.F.J. de (Student); Kleef, H. van
Motivations for shade-grown cocoa production in Ghana : a research into the motivations of Ghanaian cocoa farmers in the Nyinahini and Bia projects of the Agro Eco-Louis Bolk Institute whether or not to produce cocoa under shady circumstances and which shade tree species are found most desirable or undesirable
Hoogendijk, T. (Student); Duijl, E. van; Toose, W.-A.
The effects of burning and logging on the regeneration and the survival of commercial tree species in a tropical dry forest in Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Rijt, A. van de (Student); Wackenier, M.W.R. (Student); Meer, P. van der; Poorter, L.
The Lorax Complex: Deep ecology, Ecocentrism and Exclusion
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Onderzoeker)
The effects of burning and logging on the regeneration and the survival of commercial tree species in a tropical dry forest in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
Rijt, A. van de (Student); Wackenier, M.W.R. (Student); Meer, P.J. van der
Evaluation short term learning effects of the "Learning with Nature" environmental education programme in Mauritius
Engelen, I. van (Student); Wylegalla, S. (Student); Dijk, H.M. van; Bezuijen, H.T.M.
An evaluation of three processing methods and the effect of reduced culture times for faster direct identification of pathogens from BacT/ALERT blood cultures by MALDI-TOF MS
A.J.M. Loonen (Lid Lectoraat); A.R. Jansz; J. Stalpers; P.F.G. Wolffs; A.J.C. van den Brule (Lector)
A diet study of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) based on spraint analysis
Hermsen, J. (Student); Maarseveen, A. van (Student); Strijkstra, A.M.; Heijer, M.E. den