VR Depression Experience
Manenschijn, MRH (Max) (Student)
Script Forge (Storyboard AI Generator)
Bajrami, D (Drilon) (Student)
Creating stylized and believable 3D character animations for a feature animated production using 2D backgrounds
Belishka, VK (Victoria) (Student)
Streamlining Processes for the Creation of 3D Packages for Food Digital Products
Ilie, SA (Serena) (Student)
Web-Based Auto Rigging Solution for Remote Mocap Sessions
Leeuwen, DJ (Daniël) van (Student)
Depression through VR
Grootscholten, E (Eva) (Student)
Afstudeerverslag - Jesse Roessink
Roessink, J (Jesse) (Student)
Graduation report
Truong, TL (Long) (Student)
Gamification and Migration
Bejan, D (Daniel-Alexandru) (Student)
AI for Web Development: Creating HTML Bootstrap Code Generator from both Images and Code Description Text
Harrasi, MASA (Mooza) al (Student)