How teacher education institutions cope with challenges of teaching and learning in the digital age.
Nanda van der Stap; Jeroen Bottema; Maurice Schols; Bas Bakker; Hans van Bergen; Jan-Willem Doornenbal; Joke Voogt; Anna Tomson; Michael Nieweg
Big Brother, little brother en de discussie over privacy
de Groot, Martijn
The Exodus from the Netherlands or Brain Circulation
dr. Gürkan Çelik (Lector); Ton Notten
Technological and architectural solutions for Dutch nursing homes
J. van Hoof (Onderzoeker); M.H. Wetzels; A.M.C. Dooremalen (Docent); Eveline Wouters (Lector); M.E. Nieboer (Docent); A.A.M. Sponselee (Docent); A.M.E. Eyck (Docent); P.J.L.M. van Gorkom (Docent); E.L.M. Zwerts-Verhelst (Docent); S.T.M. Peek (Lid Lectoraat); C. Vissers-Luijcks (Stafmedewerker); C.S. van der Voort (Lid Lectoraat); M.J.G.A. Moonen (Lid Lectoraat); H.A. van de Vrande (Docent); C.J.M.L. van Dijck-Heinen (Student); T.E. Raijmakers; C.E. Oude Weernink; N. Paricharak; C.G.J.J. Hoedemakers; J.M.M. Woudstra; L. van der Voort; T.C.F. van de Werff; B. van der Putten; R.A. Overdiep (Docent)
Radical Innovation in Urban Development as Making Unfolds Its Potential
P. Troxler (Lector); G.J. Peek
Christmas tale of (un)sustainability: reflecting on consumption and environmental awareness on the streets of Amsterdam
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Onderzoeker)
Career learning and career learning environment in Dutch higher education
M.A.C.T. (Marinka) Kuijpers (Lector); F.J.M. (Frans) Meijers (Lector)
Increasing the number of members for one of KNGU's most valued disciplines : preschool gymnastics
Nathalie van den Beemt (Student); C. Wood-Oostveen (Begeleider)
How teacher education institutions cope with challenges of teaching and learning in the digital age
A. Thompson; A. Tomson; M. Nieweg; H. van Bergen; B. Bakker; Jeroen Bottema (Lid Lectoraat); M. Schols; A. Smits; N. van der Stap; J. Voogt; J.W. Doornenbal
A National ICT Competency Framework for Student Teachers
Jeroen Bottema (Lid Lectoraat); Maurice Schols