Construct validity of functional capacity tests in healthy workers
Jorna-Lakke, Sandra (Ageing And Allied Health Care); Soer, Remko; Geertzen, Jan; Wittink, H.; Douma, Rob (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Reneman, M.F.
The nursing profession: public image, self-concept and professional identity: a discussion paper
ten Hoeve, Yvonne; Jansen, Gerard; Roodbol, Petrie
Physician assistant education in Germany
Kuilman, Luppo; Matthews, Craig; Dierks, Marianne
Workshop 'Gezond Opgroeien'
de Wit, Ellen; Visser Bochane, Margot; Steenbergen, B.; van der Schans, Cees; Luinge, Margreet
Job satisfaction and job content in Dutch dental hygienists
Jerkovic-Cosic, Katarina; van Offenbeek, M. A. G.; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing)
Facilitating reflective learning
Schaub-de Jong, Mirabelle (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Verkerk, M.A.; Cohen-Schotanus, Janke
Development and testing of examination questions on Nursing Diagnoses
Paans, Wolter (Verpleegkundige Diagnostiek); Müller-Staub, Maria; Collins, Anita
Design and methodology of the COACH-2 (Comparative study on guideline adherence and patient compliance in heart failure patients) study
Luttik, Marie Louise (Nursing Diagnostics); Brons, Maaike; Jaarsma, Tiny; Hillege, Hans L.; Hoes, Arno W.; de Jong, Remco; Linssen, Gerard; Lok, Dirk J. A.; Berger, M.; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J.
Learning Opportunities in Case Studies for Becoming a Reflective Nurse Practitioner
A.J. ter Maten - Speksnijder (Lid Lectoraat); A. Pool; J.N. Streumer; M.H.F. Grypdonck
The development and validation of a five factor model of sources of self-efficacy in clinical nursing education
Prof. Dr. Rene Schalk; Dr. Wouter Reynaert (Lector); Dr. Johan Braeken; Drs. Henk Gloudemans (Docent)