Old world monkeys in mixed species exhibits
Kraaij, E. (Student); Maat, P. ter (Student); Griede, T.; Dobbelaar, M.C.A.
umc, radboud; Fleuren, Wilco W M; Verhoeven, Stefan; van den Beld, Sven; Alkema, Wynand (Data Science For Life Science & Health); de Vlieg, Jacob; Klomp, Jan P G
Birth sex-ratio and infant survival rate in relation to maternal age in captive western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla)
Rijcke, S. de (Student); Griede, T.; Bezuijen, H.T.M.
Research into the ecology of the Keeled Box Turtle (Cuora mouhotii) in Vietnam
Fischer, I. (Student); Wahl, S. (Student); Weimer, S. (Student); Kuipers, H.J.
A comparison of learning behavior between wild type horses (Equus Przewalski) and domesticated horses (Equus Caballus)
McKenna, L. (Student); Flentje, R.; Routledge-Martin, J.
Technical and commercial feasibility study for Accoya wood in Dutch civil waterworks constructions
Bartels, T. (Student); Riel, S. van; Olsthoorn, A.
"How to deal with opportunities?" : a research on requirements to successfully introduce lesser known timber species on the western (Dutch) timber market
Bakker, B. (Student); Raggers, J.; Benthem, M. van
Revitalisering van knoflookpadpopulaties aan de hand van bijplaatsing en herintroductie : aantal naar voortplantingswater migrerende dieren, onderzoek landhabitat & kweek
Asbreuk, T. (Student); Reurink, F. (Student); Crombaghs, B.H.J.M.; Schut, D.; Hoof, P.H. van; Christiaans, M.
Consequenties van invasieve planten (exoten) op de Natura-2000 habitattypen bij PWN
Vrolijk, K. (Student); Snabilie, M.; Loon, H. van
A point of no return
van Boeckel, Jan (Art & Sustainability)