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Women and international business
D.R. Zwarteveld (Student); B.K.W. van de Kerkhof
Het gebruik van activiteitenmonitors in de fysiotherapeutische praktijk
Arie den Hertog (Student); Nadine de Roode (Student); Hanneke Braakhuis; M.A.M. (Monique) Berger
Merdan Albayrak (Student); Isabel K. Düsterhöft
Human factors science and safety engineering
Karanikas, Nektarios; Schwarz, M; Harfmann, J
Applicability of progress testing in veterinary medical education
Favier, Robert P.; van der Vleuten, Cees P. M.; Ramaekers, Stephan P. J. (Faculteit Gezondheid)
Professional development in sport psychology
Hutter, R. I. (Vana); Oldenhof-Veldman, Tanja; Pijpers, J. R. (Rob); Oudejans, Raôul R.D.
Collaborative data practices in the neighborhood
Groen, M.N.; Meys, W.T.
Examining the construct and known-group validity of a composite endpoint for The Older Persons and Informal Caregivers Survey Minimum Data Set (TOPICS-MDS); A large-scale data sharing initiative
Hofman, Cynthia S.; Lutomski, Jennifer E.; Boter, Han; Buurman, Bianca M.; de Craen, Anton J. M.; Donders, Rogier; Olde Rikkert, Marcel G. M.; Makai, Peter; Melis, René J. F.
More comorbidity in female and depressed HF patients
Heiligenberg, M.; Maaskant, J.M.; Latour, C.H.M.
O uso da tecnologia na Holanda
Palha, Sönia (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo))