European Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) conservation
Heither, H. (Student); Blomenkamp, S. (Student); Strijkstra, A.M.; Dümmer, I.M.
The circumpolar walrus population in a changing world
Kasser, J.J. (Student); Wiedmer, J.E. (Student); Meijer, T.H.M.; Strijkstra, A.M.
A diet study of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) based on spraint analysis
Hermsen, J. (Student); Maarseveen, A. van (Student); Strijkstra, A.M.; Heijer, M.E. den
Spatial distribution of grazers in Noord-Friesland buitendijks
Jaeger, J. de (Student); Verburg, A. (Student); Hofman, P.A.G.; Strijkstra, A.M.
Season, sex and age variation in the diet of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in the Dutch North Sea area
Nieuwenhuijsen, E. (Student); Hofman, P.A.G.; Strijkstra, A.M.