Storytelling: hoe effectief zijn brand stories?
L.M. Willemsen
De tweets van het moment
K. Mazerant-Dubois (Onderzoeker); L.M. Willemsen (Lector)
Let’s Get Real (Time)! The potential of real-time marketing to catalyze the sharing of brand messages
L.M. Willemsen (Lector); K. Mazerant-Dubois (Onderzoeker); Anne-Lise Kamphuis; Gerrita van der Veen
Now and wow! How temporal characteristics affect the word of mouth of topical advertising
Komala Mazerant (Onderzoeker); Lotte Willemsen (Lector)
This post is sponsored: effects of sponsorship disclosure on persuasion knowledge and electronic word of mouth in the context of Facebook
S.C. Boerman; L.M. Willemsen (Lector); E.P. van der Aa
Real time is real money: the effectiveness of RTM as a strategy to increase the sharing of brand tweets
Komala Mazerant; Lotte Willemsen; Anne-Lise Kamphuis; Gerrita van der Veen
The network is the message
Rogier Brussee (Lid Lectoraat); Dr. Gerrita van der Veen (Lector); Dr. Lotte M. Willemsen (Lector); Thijs Waardenburg (Lid Lectoraat)
The good, the bad, and the expert: how consumer expertise affects review valence effects on purchase intentions in online product reviews
P.E. Ketelaar; L.M. Willemsen (Lector); L. Sleven; P. Kerkhof
Webcare as an integrative tool for customer care, reputation management, and online marketing: a literature review
G. van Noort; L.M. Willemsen (Lector); P. Kerkhof; J.W.M. Verhoeven