Zocht je misschien: 10th?
Enhancing the Strategic Alignment Model
Beffers Ronald; Benny de Waal (Lid Lectoraat)
Conversational Commerce
Marja Exalto-Sijbrands (Lid Lectoraat); Maarten de Jong; Tim de Koning; Axel Groothuis; Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector)
To what extent are urban water bodies really cooling?
Jacobs, Cor; Klok, Lisette; Cortesão, João; Lenzholzer, Sanda; Kluck, Jeroen (City Net Zero)
Potential of Camera Monitoring for classifying and counting fish species
Patrick David Deitelzweig Senior (Student); Anne Oele (Begeleider); Ben Griffioen (Begeleider); Bram Verkruysse (Begeleider)
Invitational expert meeting on Paratonia
Hobbelen, Hans; Bautmans, Ivan; Baudry, Stéfane ; Marinelli, Lucio; Boulanger, Eric; Kleiner-Fisman, Galit
The Impact of Implementing One Programme-Wide Integrated Assessment Method
S.C. Hallenga-Brink (Lid Lectoraat); Wianda Visser (Lid Lectoraat); Miranda de Hei (Lid Lectoraat)
Reconceptualization of entrepreneurial expertise
Martina, Richard A.
Reconceptualization of entrepreneurial expertise
Martina, Richard A.; Alós-Ferrer, Carlos; Reimann, Martin; Schilke, Oliver
The rise of the smart circular city
Ruben Vrijhoef (Lector)