Zocht je misschien: parenting?
How will society adopt 3D printing?
Peter Troxler (Lector); Caspar van Woensel
3D Printing verbindt Fontys Instituten
Drs. Ing. Ricardo Abdoel (Docent)
The Different Faces Of The Urban Digital Economy
de Carvalho, Luís; van Winden, Willem (Kenniscentrum Fbe); van Winden, Willem; de Carvalho, Luís
3D Printing with biomaterials
van Wijk, Ad; van Wijk, Iris
Handboek Community for Development Bio Based Building (TBTOP)
Ruut Driessen (Docent); Sylvia Schoenmakers (Lid Lectoraat)
Socio-technical changes brought about by three-dimensional printing technology
P. Troxler; C. van Woensel
The added value of 3D polymer deposition on textiles
Brinks, G.J. (Ger) (Lector); Warmoeskerken, M.M.C.G. (Marijn) (Researcher)
Social sourcing en samenwerken in innovatie
Willems, Frank
Research through design
Bottenberg, E. (Eliza) (Researcher); Brinks, G.J. (Ger) (Lector); Toeters, M. (Marina) (Researcher)
Printing of strain gauges using additive manugacturing (EraSME)
L.J.M. Koeleman (Begeleider); Jeroen S. Beerthuizen (Student)
2e Prijs H/Link Afstudeerprijs 2013