Climate adaptation in design education
Psarra, Ifigeneia; Willekens, Luc
A risk resilience approach: multiple value creation and competitive advantage for (agricultural) enterprises.
Linda Snippe (Onderzoeker)
Minor Circular Cities: Mission Zero Waste Amsterdam
Rueda Raya, Sara; Tolentino-Zondervan, Frazen (Faculteit Business En Economie (Fbe)); Allendes, Pablo J.
A risk resilience approach: multiple value creation and competitive advantage for (agricultural) enterprises.
Linda Snippe (Onderzoeker); Abdul Kara (Docent); Marleen Bartelts-Schilt (Onderzoeker)
Barriers and facilitators for physical activity in rheumatic and musculoskeletal disease
Metsios, George S.; Fenton, S. A. M.; Tzika, K.; Moe, R. H.; Fragoulis, G. E.; Vlieland, T. P. M. Vliet; Nikiphorou, E.; Van den Ende, C. H. M.; Fatouros, I.; van der Esch, M. (Lectoraat Interdisciplinaire Zorg Voor Chronische Gewrichtsaandoeningen); Niedermann, K.; Stavropoulos-Kalinoglou, A.; van Zanten, J. J. C. S. Veldhuijzen; Brodin, N.; O’Brien, C. M.; Koutedakis, Y.; Kennedy, N.; Swinnen, T. W.; Bostrom, C.; Kitas, G. D.
HZ Innovation Studio The Garage
Swastika Regmi (Student); Johan Weggemans (Docent); Marieke Polinder (Docent); Timo Derriks (Begeleider)
Bvlgari France
Camille Le Bas (Student); Rob Jeffery (Docent); Vanessa Yazbek (Docent); Gaël Durand (Begeleider)
New Energy Forum
Kviatek, Beata
Business performance and purchase intentions in cross-border e-commerce
Goldman, Sjoukje (Kenniscentrum Fbe); van Herk, Hester; Verhagen, Tibert; Weltevreden, Jesse
Navigating the road to market sucess: the Novades story
Morgan de Saint Jorre (Student); Etienne Veldhuis (Docent); Marieke Polinder (Docent); André Da Silva (Begeleider)