Sn exchanged acidic ion exchange resin for the stable and continuous production of 5-HMF from glucose at low temperature
C.H.L. Tempelman; J.F. Jacobs; T. Hut; E. Pereira de Pina; M. van Munster; N. Cherkasov; V. Degirmenci
Future of Aromatics
Heeres, André
Slotbijeenkomst Bio-P2G
Nap, Jan Peter; Hofstede, Gert; Faber, Folkert; Bekkering, Jan
Catalytic Pyrolysis towards BTX
Heeres, André
Biobased Economie, Kansen voor Oost Groningen
Heeres, André; Heeres , Erik
Groene Chemie in Noord-Nederland
Heeres, André
Bezoek Consul-Generaal San Francisco
Aué, Jan-jaap