Airway Mucus in Invasively Ventilated Critically Ill Patients
Stilma, Willemke (Faculteit Gezondheid); Lilien, Thijs A; Bos, Lieuwe DJ; Saatpoor, Aryen; Elsayed, Omar; Paulus, Frederique (Lectoraat Critical Care); Schultz, Marcus J; Bem, Reinout A; Linssen, Rosalie SN
Learning about racism: A week-by-week qualitative exploration of two white Dutch primary student teachers’ emotional responses during a Critical Race Theory based course
Soeterik, Inti M.; Hanna, Fadie (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding); Öztemir, Tugba (Faculteit Maatschappij En Recht (Fmr))
Tangible interventions for office work well-being
Hans Brombacher; Steven Houben; Steven Vos
Travelmode Tools
Wierda, TO (Tiemen) (Student)
Psychiatric comorbidities in older adults with posttraumatic stress disorder: a systematic review
F. Baltjes; J.M. Cook; M. van Kordenoordt; S. Sobczak
Machine Learning Method and Visible Light-Based Sensors for Multiinterface Level Measurement
Rocha, Helder; Natale, Ricardo; Estevão, Arthur C.; Louzada, Danilo M.; Leal-Junior, Arnaldo G.; Abou Dargham, Sara (Sensors And Smart Systems); Wörtche, Heinrich (Sensors And Smart Systems); Lima Silva, J.A.
Nailfold capillaroscopy and candidate-biomarker levels in systemic sclerosis-associated pulmonary hypertension
Lemmers, Jacqueline; van Caam, Arjan; Kersten, Brigit E.; van den Ende, Cornelia; Knaapen, Hanneke; van Dijk, Arie; Hagmolen of Ten Have, Wanda; van den Hoogen, Frank; Koenen, Hans J P M; van Leuven, Sander; Alkema, Wynand; Smeets, Ruben L; Vonk, Madelon C.
A classification system for teachers’ motivational behaviors recommended in self-determination theory interventions
Asghar Ahmadi; Michael Noetel; Philip Parker; Richard M. Ryan; Nikos Ntoumanis; Johnmarshall Reeve; Mark Beauchamp; Theresa Dicke; Alexander Yeung; Malek Ahmadi; Kimberley Bartholomew; Thomas K.F. Chiu; Thomas Curran; Gokce Erturan; Barbara Flunger; Christina Frederick; John Mark Froiland; David González-Cutre; Leen Haerens; Luca Matias Jeno; Andre Koka; Christa Krijgsman; Jody Langdon; Rhiannon Lee White; David Litalien; David Lubans; John Mahoney; Ma. Jenina N. Nalipay; Cecilie Thogersen-Ntoumani; Henri Tilga; Diego Vasconcellos; Chris Lonsdale