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The development of shared leadership as fundamental concept in youth team sport.
van Dalfsen, Gerco (Sports Science); De Bosscher, Veerle; Westerbeek, Hans; Van Hoecke, Jo
The Role of Coopetition on Innovation, Value Creation and Value Capture
DiVito, Lori (Lectoraat Collaborative Innovation And Entrepreneurship)
Strategic collaboration in innovation ecosystems
Julia Planko (Lid Lectoraat)
A structural approach for the redesign of a small-scale care facility as a guideline for decision makers
Emelieke Huisman (Lid Lectoraat); Rianne Appel-Meulenbroek; Helianthe Kort (Lector)
Working apart together
van Middelkoop, Daniel; Portielje, Mathieu; Horsselenberg, Peter
A vivid portrait of a versatile Amsterdam Zuidoost
Arbones Aran, Núria (Kenniscentrum Fbe); Hoffschulte, Carla
The Sense of Coworking
Bos, MJ (Milan) van den (Student)
The complexity of shaping self-management in daily practice
H. van de Bovenkamp; J. Dwarswaard
Mathies, Uli; Segers, Rien