Learning and innovation network in nursing
Marjolein Albers (Docent); Robbert Gobbens (Lector); M. Reitsma; O.A.A.M.J. Timmermans; H.L.G.R. Nies
The rise of emergent corporate sustainability: a self-organised view
R. Maitland; W.R.J. Baets
Interprofessional Competency Frameworks in Health to Inform Curricula Development: Integrative Review
David Loura (Onderzoeker); Ana Eva Arriscado (Onderzoeker); Afke Kerkstra (Onderzoeker); Carla Nascimento (Onderzoeker); Isa Félix (Onderzoeker); Mara Pereira Guerreiro (Onderzoeker); Christina Baixinho (Onderzoeker)
Facing societal challenges in living labs
Indre Kalinauskaite; Rens Brankaert; Yuan Lu; Tilde Bekker; Aarnout Brombacher; Steven Vos
Intraprofessional workplace learning in postgraduate medical education: a scoping review
L Teheux; EHAJ Coolen; JMT Draaisma; M. Visser; ND Scherpbier-de Haan; Wietske Kuijer; JAEM van der Velden
Stress levels among European Studies students
Dave Swart (Student)
Value of social network analysis for developing and evaluating complex healthcare interventions: a scoping review
Linda Smit (Lid Lectoraat); Jeroen Dikken; Marieke Schuurmans (Associate Lector); Niek de Wit; Nienke Bleijenberg (Lector)
Dynamics without a framework? Towards an ecological-enactive approach to the dynamical view of metaphor
John A. Machielsen (Docent)
Clinical profiling and tailored non-pharmacological treatment in hypermobility spectrum disorders/hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
M.C. Scheper; R. Keer; R.H. Engelbert