Generative AI in creative design processes: a dive into possible cognitive biases
Andreea-Roxana Popescu (Onderzoeker); Alice Schut (Onderzoeker)
Embodied technology-assisted musical creativity and living with dementia
Jennifer MacRitchie (Onderzoeker); Justin Christensen (Onderzoeker); Jonathan Pigrem (Onderzoeker); Michael Neokleous (Onderzoeker); Renee Timmers (Onderzoeker); Andrew McPherson (Onderzoeker); Luc de Witte (Lector)
Human-machine co-creativity with older adults
Bossema, Marianne; Saunders, Rob; Ben Allouch, Somaya (Lectoraat Digital Life)
Permacomputing aesthetics: potential and limits of constraints in computational art, design and culture
A. Mansoux; B. Howell; D. Barok; V. Heikkilä
The origins of SWOT analysis
Puyt, Richard W.; Lie, Finn Birger; Wilderom, Celeste P.M.
Onderzoek naar creativiteit
Haakma, Ineke
The Unified Citizen Engagement Approach
Tjahja, Cyril; Psarra, Ifigeneia; Kort, Joke
The ultimate human journey is an inner one
Jolien Vinke (Student); Mirthe Martinius-Claringbould (Docent); Sophie Adriaanse (Begeleider)
Promoting creative autonomy support in school music education
Hendriks, Linda (Arts Education); Bisschop Boele, Evert (Arts Education); van Geert, Paul L.C.; Steenbeek, Henderien (Diversity In Learning And Behavior)