Simulating industrial symbiosis
Lange, Kasper Pieter Hendrik (City Net Zero); Herder, Paulien; Korevaar, Gijsbert; Oskam, Inge
Embedding EPS Program in Multi-Party Cooperation at The Hague University of Applied Sciences
Wander Colenbrander (Onderzoeker); K.A. (Kim) Poldner (Lector)
Unraveling disruptions: The Dynamics of Psychological Contracts
Hermien E. Wiechers (Onderzoeker); Xander Lub (Lector); Jacqueline A.-M. Coyle-Shapiro (Onderzoeker); Steven ten Have (Onderzoeker)
From system to local to system
C.S.H. (Christine) de Lille (Lector); Anja Overdiek (Lid Lectoraat)
How to shoot confetti at the online party
Koos Zwaan (Associate Lector); Theo Ploeg (Docent); Pieter Breek (Onderzoeker)
Street-level bureaucrats: tensions and challenges in online placemaking
Pieter Breek (Onderzoeker); Joke Hermes (Lector); Jasper Eshuis (Onderzoeker)
BITInLine: A Serious Game to Enhance Business Information Technology and Strategy Alignment
Collou, L (Luuk) (Associatelector); Bruinsma, G. (Guido); Iacob, M.E. (Maria-Eugenia)
Values in Design Methodologies for AI
Huib Aldewereld (Lid Lectoraat); Tina Mioch (Lid Lectoraat)
Dutch social housing for the elderly with health care needs at home
Druijff, AHS (Bertien) (Student)
A process model on changing design practice
Berit Godfroij (Onderzoeker)