Leaving the Crow’s Nest: How Creative Co‐Creation Transcends “Us‐Versus‐Them” Experiences of Dutch Refugee Students
Hanke Drop (Onderzoeker); Peter Hendriks (Onderzoeker); Oumar Barry (Onderzoeker); Rania Abdulsattar (Onderzoeker)
“Your brain can’t wait”
Gmelig Meyling, Christiaan; Verschuren, Olaf; Rentinck, Ingrid C.M.; van Driel, Dimara; te Slaa, Esmée; Engelbert, Raoul H. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Gorter, Jan Willem
Docenten in dialoog – over het leerpotentieel van leraren
Koffeman, André (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); de Jong, Loes
Teaching the Co-Design Canvas in Living Labs
Claudia Mayer (Onderzoeker); Wina Smeenk (Lector)
Learning to think critically through Socratic dialogue: Evaluating a series of lessons designed for secondary vocational education
Mahoney, B.Barry (Lectoraat Burgerschapsonderwijs); Oostdam, R.Ron (Lectoraat Maatwerk In Leren En Instructie); Nieuwelink, H.Hessel (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding); Schuitema, J.Jaap
Reshape Your Commons
Hazal Gumrukcuoglu (Student)
Teaching in Musealized Religious Spaces.
Paul Ariese (Docent)
Designing a physical boundary object to invite dialogue about power relations behind AI systems
T.S. van der Horst; A. Overdiek; M. Harbers
Foraging as an artistic counter strategy
Bennema, Frederiek
Equal partnership between engineering education and industry
Verdegaal, A.L. (Sóphie) (Lid Lectoraat); Hertog, J.H. (Janina) den (Onderzoeker); Visscher - Voerman, (Irene) (Lector)