Employees’ motivation to invest in their sustainable employment
Jol Stoffers (Lector); Hans Leppink; Anne Kleefstra; Anita van Dormalen
Regionale preventie van arbeidsmarktdiscrepanties via strategische personeelsplanning
van Lieshout, Harm (Human Capital); Geling, Kathinka; Scholing, Anneloes; Kamphorst, Jan Cornelis
The relevance of work-related learning for vulnerable groups.
Storm, Ilse; Uiters, Ellen; Busch, Mirjam C.M.; den Broeder, Lea (Lectoraat Gezondheid En Omgeving); Schuit, Albertine J
The Exodus from the Netherlands or Brain Circulation: Push and Pull Factors ofRemigration among Highly Educated Turkish Dutch
T. Notten; G. Celik
Innovating job activation by involving employers
P.H.J. van der Aa; R. van Berkel
Hybrid Learning Environments in VET
Aimee Hoeve; Ilya Zitter (Lid Lectoraat)
Energyzing labour
van Lieshout, Harm (Human Capital); Polstra, Louis (Labour Participation)
Labour and health
Polstra, Louis (Labour Participation)
Qualified labour for Groningen Energy Port
van Lieshout, Harm (Human Capital)
Ten years of applied labour market research at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen
van Lieshout, Harm (Human Capital)