Delta Strikes Back
Andrej Badin; Justyna Chmielewska; Lada Hrsak
Separation and recycling of cotton from cotton/PET blends by depolymerization of PET catalyzed by bases and ionic liquids
Bouwhuis, G.H. (Gerrit) (Researcher); Brinks, G.J. (Ger) (Lector); Groeneveld, R.A.J. (Richard) (Researcher); Oelerich, J. (Jens) (Researcher)
Applying the behaviour grid for improving safety in industrial environments
Boer, J. (Johannes) de (Researcher); Heylen, D. (Dirk) (Researcher); Teeuw, W.B. (Wouter) (Lector)
Influencing behaviour for safe working environments
Boer, J. (Johannes) de (Researcher); Teeuw, W.B. (Wouter) (Lector)
Surface and Bulk Modification of Synthetic Textiles to Improve Dyeability
Agrawal, P. (Pramod) (Researcher); Parvinzadeh Gashti, M. (M) (Researcher); Willoughby, J. (J) (Researcher)
Biocatalytic pre-treatment processes of cotton
Bouwhuis, G.H. (Gerrit) (Researcher); Bouwhuis, G.H. (Gerrit) (Researcher); Brinks, G.J. (Ger) (Lector); Brinks, G.J. (Ger) (Lector); Warmoeskerken, M.M.C.G. (Marijn) van (Researcher); Warmoeskerken, M.M.C.G. (Marijn) van (Researcher)
Organization of industrial application of academic research on biocatalytic pre-treatment processes of cotton
Bouwhuis, G.H. (Gerrit) (Researcher); Brinks, G.J. (Ger) (Lector); Warmoeskerken, M.M.C.G. (Marijn) (Researcher)
The design of a novel, environmentally improved cotton pre-treatment proces
Bouwhuis, G.H. (Gerrit) (Researcher)
The Green Trend : how The Hague University can make its students more eco-friendly
E.C.J. Nieuweboer (Begeleider); Claudia E. Fernandes (Student)
The balancing act of optimised value creation
Gilbert Silvius (Lector); Anand Sheombar (Lid Lectoraat); Kobus Smit (Lid Lectoraat)