Zocht je misschien: interaction, integratie, goed, good?
Sustainable Energy Solutions 2016
Aué, Jan-jaap
Implementing Manufacturing as a Service
Leo Moergestel (Lid Lectoraat); Erik Puik (Lector); Daniël Telgen (Lid Lectoraat); John-Jules Meyer
Energie-infrastructuur: enabler of showstopper van de energietransitie?
Visser, Martien (Energietransitie)
The second life for gas
Pierie, Frank (Energy Transition); van Gemert, Wim
West European energy strategy
Lok, Koos
Incorporation of a standardized sustainabiblity reporting structure for the business case Smurfit Kappa Solid Board the Netherlands
Reinhard Ribitsch (Student); Paul Touw (Begeleider)