Communication partner training for SLT students: changes in communication skills, knowledge and confidence
A.M. Nikkels; P.E.G. Berns; C.A.M. Neijenhuis
You have to fight to get there: an exploratory study into the experiences of refugee-background students in higher education
D.A. van Dijk; A. Kooiman
Inside Out: ontdekken, verkennen, signaleren, de-escaleren
Marit Cornelissen
Visie op Talent Tool
Peter Bos (Associate Lector); Marian Thunnissen (Lector)
Het rimpeleffect; hoe je met 23 logopedisten in enkele maanden tijd 1000 personen kan bereiken
C.A.M. Neijenhuis
LIMINA: Logos In Multilingual INterAction - a multidimensional study on multilingual communication in interactions in speech language therapy
S. Twilt; C.A.M. Neijenhuis; J. ten Thije; R. de Graaff