Know-Why and Design: Key differences between craft and profession, Illustrated at orthopaedic shoemaking.
F.C. Holtkamp (Docent); A. Dehing
Using a Delphi technique to seek consensus regarding definitions, descriptions and classification of terms related to implicit and explicit forms of motor learning
Mark Wilson; Monique Lexis; Melanie Kleynen (Lid Lectoraat); Michel Bleijlevens; Anna Beurskens (Lector); Jos Halfens; Sascha Rasquin; Susy Braun (Lid Lectoraat); Rich Masters
Professional development of teacher educators through informal learning
Marly Gootzen (Lid Lectoraat); Maurice Schols (Lid Lectoraat); Rita Schildwacht (Lid Lectoraat); Quinta Kools (Lector); Marina Bouckaert-den Draak (Lid Lectoraat)
Non score-dependency
Harris, Robert; de Jong, Bauke; van Kranenburg, Peter
Non score-dependency
Harris, Robert; van Kranenburg, Peter; de Jong, Bauke; Williamon, Aaron; Edwards, Darryl; Bartel, Lee
Research in practice in the arts therapies:Chapter 2: Research in practice
Henk Smeijsters (Lector)
School improvement within a knowledge economy: Fostering professional learning from a multidimensional perspective
F. Geijsel; S. Bolhuis (Lector); P. Sleegers