Marco Gijsen
Façades: Past, Present and Future
Entrop, A.G. (Bram) (Lectoratemember); Furness, J. (Justin) (Researcher); Marchand, J.L. (Jean-Luc) (Researcher); Rigone, P (Paolo) (Researcher); Resch, A. (Anton) (Researcher); Schopping, J. (Josef) (Researcher); Martin, P. (Pablo) (Researcher)
Systematic review on the interaction between office light conditions and occupational health: Elucidating gaps and methodological issues
Juliëtte van Duijnhoven; Mariëlle Aarts; Myriam Aries; Helianthe Kort (Lector)
Practitioners’ View on the Implementation Potential of Adaptive Façades with focus on The Netherlands
Struck, C. (Christian) (Lector); Rovers, T. (Twan) (Researcher); Exterkate, R. (Roy) (Researcher); Voortman, M. (Mark) (Student); Al Alkam, M. (Marwan) (Student); Timmerman, R. (Robert) (Student)
The effect of indoor environmental conditions in classrooms of The Netherlands on educational outcome
Brink, Henk Willem
Healthy Workplace / Indoor environmental conditions
Brink, Henk Willem
An investigation into the effect of (the usage of) personal control over the indoor climate on office workers’ satisfaction with the indoor climate and building performance
Heide, SA (Sarai) van der (Student)
Self-reported health and comfort of school children in 54 classrooms of 21 Dutch school buildings
Bluyssen, Philomena; Zhang, Dadi; Kurvers, Stanley; Overtoom, Marjolein; Ortiz Sanchez, Marco
Window/door opening‐mediated bedroom ventilation and its impact on sleep quality of healthy, young adults
Asit Kumar Mishra; Aike van Ruitenbeek; Marcel Loomans; Helianthe Kort (Lector)
Understanding thermal comfort perception of nurses in a hospital ward workenvironment
Manon Derks; Asit Kumar Mishra; Marcel Loomans; Helianthe Kort (Lector)