Zocht je misschien: intergenerationele?
Adolescents’ expectations about the timing of family life events
Keijer, Micha G.; Liefbroer, Aart C.; Nagel, Ineke
Wicked problems
Rebecca van den Hoven van Genderen; Irene van Oostrum; Marjolein Marx; Carine Pol; Vera Korblet
De Intergenerational Learning Toolkit
Donald Ropes (Lector)
Intergenerational learning: An effective strategy for work-based learning in CVET
Antonia Ypsilanti; Donald Ropes (Lector)
Are serious video games something more than a game? A review on the effectiveness of serious games to facilitate intergenerational learning
Matti Viitala; Ana B. Vivas; Donald Ropes (Lector); Antonia Ypsilanti; Tuula Ijäs; Teppo Räisänen
Examining the requirements for an intergenerational learning game
Antonia Ypsilanti; Tuula Ijäs; Teppo Räisänen; Matti Viitala; Donald Ropes (Lector); Ana B. Vivas
Using the influence of media to positively contribute to baby boomer’s and generation x’s perception of millennials with visible body art in the netherlands to encourage positive intergenerational collaborations
Thelea Terborg (Student); Renée Coers (Begeleider)
Environmental justice and biospheric egalitarianism: reflecting on a normative-philosophical view of human-nature relationship
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Onderzoeker)
Intergenerational transmission of occupational status: The role of voluntary association membership as an emerging compensatory strategy of reproduction
Jasper van Houten; M. Gesthuizen; M. Wolbers
Intergenerational learning in organizations
dr. Donald Ropes (Lid Lectoraat)