Meaning in life of older adults in daily care: a qualitative analysis of participant observations of home nursing visits
S.H.A. Hupkens (Onderzoeker); M.J.B.M. Goumans (Lector); P. Derkx; A. Oldersma; Trudy Schutter; A. Machielse
“But I did not touch nobody!” – Patients’ and nurses’ perspectives and recommendations after aggression on psychiatric wards
Vermeulen, Jentien; Doedens, Paul (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Boyette, Lindy; Spek, Bea; Latour, Corine H.M. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); de Haan, Lieuwe
Quality criteria, instruments, and requirements for nursing documentation
De Groot, Kim; Triemstra, Mattanja; Paans, Wolter (Nursing Diagnostics); Francke, Anneke L.
Self‐management challenges and support needs among kidney transplant recipients
J.M.J. Been-Dahmen (Onderzoeker); J.W. Grijpma (Onderzoeker); E. Ista (Onderzoeker); J. Dwarswaard (Onderzoeker); L. Maasdam (Onderzoeker); W. Weimar (Onderzoeker); A.L. van Staa (Lector); E.K. Massey (Onderzoeker)
Self-management challenges and support needs among kidney transplantation recipients: a qualitative study
J.M.J. Been-Dahmen (Docent); J.W. Grijpma; J. Dwarswaard; L. Maasdam; W. Weimar; A.L. van Staa (Lector); E.K. Massey
Health-promoting leadership : An integrative review and future research agenda
Kristin Akerjordet; Trude Furunes; Annie Haver
Systematic literature review on effectiveness of self-management support interventions in patients with chronic conditions and low socio-economic status
A. van Hecke; M. Heinen; P Fernandez-Ortega; M Graue; J.C.M. Hendriks; B Hoy; S Kopke; M Lithner; Betsie van Gaal
Effects of substituting nurse practitioners, physician assistants or nurses for physicians concerning healthcare for the ageing population: a systematic literature review
Marleen Lovink; A. Persoon; R.T.C.M. Koopmans; Anneke van Vught; Lisette Schoonhoven; Miranda Laurant
Exploring partners' perspectives on participation in heart failure home care
Näsström, Lena; Luttik, Marie Louise (Nursing Diagnostics); Idvall, Ewa; Strömberg, Anna
Advanced glycation end-products are associated with the presence and severity of paratonia in early stage Alzheimer disease
Drenth, Hans; Zuidema, Sytse U; Krijnen, Wim P (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Bautmans, Ivan; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Hobbelen, Hans (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing)