Justice and risk assessment
Annemarie van de Weert (Onderzoeker)
Identifying Maturity Dimensions for Smart Maintenance Management of Constructed Assets: A Multiple Case Study
Johannes, Koos; Voordijk, Johannes Theodorus; Adriaanse, Adriaan Marias; Aranda-Mena, Guillermo
Dr. Z's corner: Civil Engineering & Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications from Netherlands
Bal, Ihsan Engin (Earthquake Resistant Structures); Smyrou, Eleni (Earthquake Resistant Structures)
“Who doesn’t think about technology when designing urban environments for older people?”
Hannah R. Marston; Joost van Hoof (Lector)
The transition to adulthood: a game changer? A longitudinal analysis of the impact of major life events on sport participation
Jasper van Houten; G. Kraaykamp; B. Pelzer
The obligation to volunteer as fair reciprocity? Welfare recipients’ perceptions of giving back to society
Kampen, Thomas; Veldboer, Lex (Lectoraat Stedelijk Sociaal Werk); Kleinhans, Reinout
Examining the voluntary deployment of people without a disability on behalf of people with disabilities “verwenzorg" (“LC”) as an example
Esther Kuis; Maaike Hermsen; Annelies van Heijst; Dr. Madeleine Timmermann; Petri Embregts
External jacketing of unreinforced historical masonry piers with open-grid basalt-reinforced mortar
Mezrea, P.E.; Yilmaz, I.A.; Ispir, M.; Binbir, E.; Bal, I.E.; Ilki, A.
Breakpoint or Binder
dr. Gürkan Çelik (Lector)