Adaptive feature selection using an autoencoder and classifier: applied to a radiomics case
R. Zare Hassanpour; C.P.M. Netten; A.L.J. Busker; M.S. Bargh; R. Choenni
A proteomics approach to identify COPD-related changes in lung fibroblasts
Bekker, Nicolaas J.; van Pijkeren, Alienke; Wolters, Justina C.; Sánchez Brotons, Alejandro; Guryev, Victor; Woldhuis, Roy R.; Bischoff, Rainer; Alkema, Wynand; Horvatovich, Peter; van Nijnatten, Johannes L.L.; van den Berge, Maarten; Timens, Wim; Brandsma, Corry-Anke
Untargeted GC-MS analyse van metabolieten in polderbodem voor het monitoren van biodiversiteit
Nick Jansen (Student)
Impact of COVID-19 on care at the end of life during the first months of the pandemic from the perspective of healthcare professionals from different settings: a qualitative interview study (the CO-LIVE study)
M.S. Zee; L. Bagchus; Y.N. Becqué; F.E. Witkamp; A. van der Heide; L.G.G. van Lent; A. Goossensen; I.J. Korfage; B.D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen; H.R. Pasman
Underperforming institutions
Bovenhoff, Marielle (Living Environment In Transition); Bulder, E.A.M.; Postmes, Tom; Stroebe, Katherine
Towards an integrated approach for preserving data utility, privacy and fairness
M.S. Bargh; R. Choenni
Het overbrengen en visualiseren van real-time sensordata tijdens een brandweerinzet
Holtman, R (Rick) (Student)
Leven in de gouden rand van Flevoland
Berg, M.S. van den (Lector)
Grondslagen van ergotherapie
van Hartingsveldt, Margo (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving); Kos, Daphne; le Granse, Mieke
The impact of high versus standard enteral protein provision on functional recovery following intensive care admission (PRECISE trial)
van Gassel, Rob J. J.; Bels, Julia L. M.; Tartaglia, Katrien; van Bussel, Bas C. T.; van Kuijk, Sander M. J.; Deane, Adam M.; Puthucheary, Zudin; Weijs, Peter J. M. (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging); Vloet, Lilian; Beishuizen, Bert; De Bie Dekker, Ashley; Fraipont, Vincent; Lamote, Stoffel; Ledoux, Didier; Scheeren, Clarissa; De Waele, Elisabeth; van Zanten, Arthur R. H.; Mesotten, Dieter; van de Poll, Marcel C. G.