The WRR report 'less pretention, more ambition' : what is the effect on NGOs?
T.A. Parlevliet (Begeleider); Lotte van der Harst (Student)
"Wandelen voor Water" : Simavi's communication plan for the project
Willemijn Reijerkerk (Student); Z. Kahar (Begeleider)
Fair Trade, CrossBorderProsperity and Muhammad Yunus : together for worldwide prosperity and empowered producers in developing countries
R. Silos (Begeleider); Jolanda Lütteke (Student); B.C. van der Sluijs (Begeleider)
Cameroonian Women, Microcredit and Integration
Maelle de Kerros (Student); M. van Munster (Begeleider)
Non-governmental organizations and development in Cameroon
M. van Munster (Begeleider); Karlijn Veldkamp (Student)
The essence of organisational learning as a mechanism to transform drinking water supply : sharing knowledge with Vitens-Evides International in Lilongwe Malawi
Mudzamiri, N. (Student); Put, M.J.M.J.
Knowledge transfer as driver for capacity building in urban water supply services in Accra, Ghana
Horn, W.E.P. van den (Student); onbekend
Weer een illusie rijker
J.H.C. (Jos) Walenkamp (Lector)
Internationale Samenwerking en Duurzaamheid Ruud Thelosen (Docent)
Actions and commitments towards gender equality and their influence on sustainable development : study on the example of the European Union and the United Nations
Sylwia Maslowska (Student); Kitty C.M. Triest (Begeleider)